4+ foods to eat to make up your daily protein quota

July 22, 2022

Imagine building a tower with a deck of cards. To sustain your tower, you need to make sure the foundation is strong; the cards are not folded, bent or weak; and that each card supports the cards on top of it. Proteins, just like the cards, contribute to the foundation of your body. They are known as the building blocks that build the muscles and tissues of the body, thus, promoting the growth of the body.

Proteins also help you fight against health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure and even help you lose weight. There are about 10,000 proteins for you to choose from. The National Academy of Medicine says that the daily intake of protein in adults should be at least 0.8 g for every kilogram of body weight. The following foods will help you achieve your daily quota of protein:

  1. Eggs: Eggs are known as the most nutritious foods containing healthy fats, minerals and vitamins. Eggs make it to the top of the list of high-protein foods. However, the pure protein form of an egg is hidden in its whites. One large-sized egg has about 6 grams of protein. You can have an omelette made of egg whites for breakfast or carry a boiled egg with you to work. Did you know that eggs also have antioxidants that help protect the eyes?
  2. Chicken breast: Chicken breast is usually the first choice of meat for every non-vegetarian. One chicken breast without the skin has about 53 grams of protein. Roasted chicken breast for dinner or a quick salad will make for an excellent protein-rich delicious evening meal. Lamb and beef meat are also high-protein options in the meat section. On those non-veg days, pile up enough protein to sail you through the rest of the week. The idea is to cook with minimal oil to ensure that a high‑protein meal is what you are having, not a high-fat one.
  3. Milk: Good ole milk is a part of almost every household as it is a powerhouse of many essential nutrients. It not only contains high-quality protein but is also rich in calcium, vitamin B12 and phosphorus. One cup of whole milk contains approximately 8 g of proteins. So make your breakfast a wholesome one with a milkshake with fresh fruits. If you are lactose intolerant, soy, almond and cashew milk are great options for you. If you are not fond of milk, have yoghurt, cottage cheese or tofu instead to make up your daily protein quota.
  4. Quinoa: Quinoa has recently made its mark on the superfoods list. It is high in fibre and minerals. The quinoa seeds or grains are rich in antioxidants and vitamins as well. One cup of quinoa has about 8 g of proteins. Toss it up with some greens and tomatoes into a salad or make a savoury breakfast meal. You can also make some quinoa croquettes to go with your tea.
  5. Lentils: Chickpea, soybeans, kidney beans and other members of the lentils family are known for their nutritional properties. They are loaded with folate, copper, potassium, magnesium and other essential nutrients. A cup of boiled lentils has about 18 g of proteins. Make yourself a warm lentil soup or a lentil salad as a side dish to go with your lunch, and you are set for the day.
  6. Protein supplements: The clock keeps ticking and does not leave us much time to prepare our own meals every day. Besides, the convenience of getting food delivered right to our doorstep has made us lazy, and although custom-made meals and healthy food options are available online, we stick to the burgers and pasta because “you only live once”. If you are unable to cook yourself a meal, grab a protein supplement. Whey protein is a superior quality protein that will help you lose the flab and gain muscle mass. The protein content of whey protein supplements varies somewhere between 20 g and 50 g of proteins per serving.
  • According to some studies, you should consume proteins evenly during the day. However, if you are planning on losing weight, include proteins in your breakfast as they will keep you full for a longer time and reduce hunger pangs throughout the day. If you consume protein shakes after a workout, make sure to have the 45 minutes to an hour after the workout. The next time you eat a meal, make sure it adds up to your daily protein intake.
  • Instead of researching and calculating your protein intake, get yourself a custom-made meal plan with the help of professional nutritionists and dietitians on the HealthAssure app. Download now!

To get more information on health tips, lab tests and medications, visit www. health assure. in.

Book your appointment at 022-61676633.

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