Is yoga safe in pregnancy? Eight postures to safely perform during pregnancy

July 22, 2022

Pregnancy is probably the most delicate and overwhelming time for a woman. All the kicks and bumps along with the morning sickness, body pains and new changes in the body become quite exciting, scary, happy and, sometimes, even worrying. The little one growing inside you is like a tiny bundle of joy giving you some mighty troubles. So your body needs rest, care, nutrition and relaxation to take care of yourself and the baby, to prepare yourself for the D-day of labour and to ease out the mood swings!

Yoga is known as an effective stress-relieving activity and a great workout option for all regardless of their age, sex and health. The poses, asanas and breathing techniques of yoga improve the body’s strength, fitness, flexibility and blood circulation. However, a word of caution — some yoga asanas should not be performed by pregnant women as they can adversely affect the mother or the baby. But do not discard your yoga mat yet, for here is a list of yoga asanas that are beneficial and safe for pregnant women.

  1. Virabhadrasana: The common name of this yoga asana is the “warrior pose”. This asana improves the balance of the body and tones the lower back, legs and arms. Veerbhadrasana also increases stamina. Thus, it will improve your strength to deal with all the tiredness from morning sickness and other tiresome pregnancy troubles.
  2. Viparita Karani: Also called by the name “legs up on the wall pose”, viparita karani improves blood flow in the pelvic region. It provides relief from back pain and offers ease from varicose veins and swollen ankles, a common struggle during pregnancy.
  3. Marjari asanaThis yoga pose is also known as “cat stretch”. This asana improves blood circulation in the body and promotes nourishment to the reproductive organs. The posture reduces stiffness in the neck and shoulder muscles. The cat stretch pose is an excellent asana for pregnant women who experience backache. It improves the strength of the back muscles and increases the flexibility of the spine, which is beneficial as the increasing weight of the baby puts more pressure on the spine as months go by.
  4. Baddhakonasana: Baddhakonasana or the butterfly pose works on the groin and hip region. It increases flexibility in that region and provides relief from knee pain and thigh pain. This asana also reduces lethargy. So when you are feeling too fatigued to even get out of the house for a walk, do the butterfly pose and feel active. People who performed the butterfly pose regularly until the end of the pregnancy have experienced smoother deliveries.
  5. Shavasana: Also known as the corpse pose, this asana is one of the easiest asanas to perform. This asana promotes the process of cell repair, reduces stress levels and induces relaxation in the body. Shavasana encourages self-healing and rejuvenates the body. This is especially helpful in pregnant women as their body requires more rejuvenation and healing than all the multivitamins, prenatal vitamins and other prenatal supplementary medicines can provide.
  6. Yoga nidra: Yoga nidra is also called yogic sleep. This asana helps reduce anxiety and tension. So, when you are feeling overwhelmed or worried, perform yoga nidra to ward off all your worries. This asana relaxes every cell in the body as well.
  7. Trikonasana: Trikonasana is also called a triangle pose. This asana improves mental and physical balance. As pregnant women experience a shift in their gravity due to the increasing weight of the baby, it is beneficial in pregnant women. This asana also widens and opens the hip muscles, which proves to be helpful during delivery. It also helps reduce stress levels and back pain.
  8. Nadi shodhan pranayama: This pranayama is also called the alternate nostril breathing technique. It helps maintain the body temperature and relaxes the mind. It also improves oxygen supply in the body, thereby, promoting better growth of the baby.

Precautions to consider before you roll the yoga mat

  1. Do not practice yoga asanas which have inversion poses.
  2. Reduce the holding time of asanas in the second and third trimester or you will get exhausted quickly. Meditation and breathing exercises are better options during this period.
  3. Stop performing the asanas that put pressure on the abdominal muscles when you get to the later stages of pregnancy.
  4. Give yoga a pause between the 10th and 14th
  • Get hold of a qualified, experienced yoga instructor to teach you these asanas and more. Relax your body with the most comfortable and effortless yoga asanas and have a smooth sailing pregnancy!
  • Visit to find trained and professional experts in the nearest yoga centres and clinics if you face any difficulties while performing yoga or during your pregnancy, take an expert opinion from gynaecologists on the HealthAssure app.

Book your appointment at 022-61676633.

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