‍Join India's fastest-growing agent community! Earn regular income with zero investment.
Limitless Earning Opportunity
HealthAssure plans go hand-in-hand with any insurance provider
Continuous Renewal Income
Renewals are an easy choice for customers with HealthAssure
Benefits with High Frequency of Use
Customers can see value-for-money faster
Digital Platform
Manage your HealthAssure business from one app.
Paperless, Cashless
Faster, easier payments and records
Training to propel you to the next level.
Grow your career with special programs
Retail Advisors sell HealthAssure plans to customers on behalf of HealthAssure. Advisors are also responsible for advising customers on plan selection and the use of plans.
Be your own boss
Work WHEN you want and HOW you want.
Start earning at the age of 18
Become financially independent early
Zero investment required
An internet-enabled device (smartphone) is required.
HealthAssure offers plan for a validity of 3/6/12 months. You can choose a time period which suits your unique needs.
An OPD cover costs less than a regular insurance cover. It allows you to recognize any health-related issues at an early/ initial stage and helps you build a course of treatment before it’s too late.
Each plan has a unique set of services ranging from Doctor Consultations, Diagnostics, Pharmacy, fitness and Yoga lessons etc.
We are India's leading HMO aggregators - innovative, dynamic, and award-winning. With over 10 years of experience, our huge network, next-gen digital platforms, and the best customer and agent support, we are uniquely positioned to bring people all over India closer to OPD health. Join HealthAssure today and grow your career in this exciting field.